
Introduction to Mobile Applications

The mobile applications unit covers the characteristics and uses of mobile applications and how to design, and develop a mobile application to a predetermined list of specifications.  This unit teaches students how a mobile application is created, by looking closely at the development process for existing mobile applications, in the current market. In this unit we explored the purposes, uses and key features of popular applications to acquire a greater level of understanding when developing our own applications.

How Was This Unit Assessed?

This unit was an coursework assessed unit, through a series of four internally marked tasks, which demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of the mobile applications design, and development process. I was asked to submit four tasks to demonstrate my understanding of the subject, which was marked against the assessment criteria for the mobile applications unit.

What I Have learnt

The unit was split in four tasks to cover the learning aims for the assessment criteria, which for this unit were learning aims A, B, C and D. There were different grading levels for each task, with pass, merit or distinction being the awarded grades for the completion of each of the criteria levels. To complete these tasks, we were given a scenario with a set list of criteria to develop a mobile application for a client.

In learning aim A, I demonstrated my knowledge of the characteristics and uses of mobile apps by creating a PowerPoint presentation, explaining the key features of two different mobile applications for the pass grade. Then reviewing how the features affect the usability and purpose of the application for the merit grade, and finally, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the applications for the distinction grade.

In learning aim B, I used the predetermined requirements for the given scenario to design a mobile application for the client, EduTek. I identified the purpose and user requirements for the application as specified in the client’s briefing. I then produced a proposed design solution using a range of tools to develop a prototype for the client, listing any assets and any pre-defined code used in my design. Then I produced an alternative design prototype, and justified my design decisions as to which design fulfilled the client’s requirements as stated in the brief.

In learning aim C, I created the the proposed application using and editing the pre-defined code to program the application. I developed a multi-screen application coded in C#, which I then tested for functionality, gathered feedback to improve usability and refined the application based on the feedback I received.

In learning aim D, I reviewed the final app against the client’s requirements, and evaluated the extent to which the app was suitable for the client’s needs while considering the feedback, changes and any constraints during the development of the app.

Reflection of How I Worked

I found this unit incredibly challenging, this was mostly due to my limited experience of  the C# programming language. I haven’t really ever used the language much in the past and being that I was relatively new to using this language I had to quickly figure out the different commands and keywords used in the C# language, and how to apply them to my program.

This at first, would seem fairly straight-forward but during this unit our tutor resigned and we were left to the mercy of a new, inexperienced tutor who did not seem to understand programming or how to teach it. This often left me feeling frustrated and left to my own devices, as any questions I had were often dismissed by the tutor as it was clear that he did not fully understand how answer them.

Fortunately, I persevered and vowed to research the language independently as there was simply no other way I was going to complete the unit without taking matters into my own hands and working it out for myself.

This was both a strength and a problem, because although I was working toward a difficult deadline and dealing with an indecisive tutor, by researching the topic myself – I strengthened my independent learning skills, and increased my confidence with the subject during this process.

What I need to further develop

I feel I need to develop my knowledge of how to code mobile applications from scratch as in this unit we used pre-defined code, which was then tailored to suit my design needs. If I was to design a mobile application again for a company, I would have to develop the code myself, which would be much harder to do, so I would like to increase my knowledge and understanding of C# programming.

My Overall grade

My final grade for this unit was a Level 2 Distinction.

Work I Produced During this Unit:

Work Completed during this unit:

Task 1 image.PNG
Image of the title page for my PowerPoint presentation.

Unit 8A – Analysing Mobile Applications – PowerPoint Presentation Task 1


Task 2 image
Image of the design for the main menu on my Alphabet Scramble Mobile Application

Unit 8B – Design Report

Task 3 Image
Image of the quiz game on my Alphabet Scramble Mobile Application

Unit 8C – Creating the Design

Task 4 image 1
Image of the evaluation report for the Mobile Application.

8D – Task 4 Review document report